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Old 19th June 2016, 04:31 PM   #9
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I may as well include some images of standard Indo-Persian mail, which as I said before is usually constructed with alternating rows of solid links and round riveted links. Several types are easily recognized such as Indian mail and Ottoman mail. Below are some examples, the first is a 17th centur,y mail shirt detail, you can see the round riveted links and the very distinctive solid links which appear to be made from strips of welded metal and not wire, the red arrow shows delamination of the weld on a solid link.

Next is 16th century Ottoman cuirass, metal plates connected with a very distinctive mail, you can see the round riveted links and the solid links which instead of being round have the appearance of being faceted due to having flat areas on the outside of the links, I am not sure exactly how these Ottoman solid links were made but it is very recognizable.

The third example is Indian mail but if you look at the links they appear to have been swaged / shaped in some way and are beautifully formed, they were not made from round wire as with most Indian riveted links. This is another example of a very time consumming process. I would have to assume that this type of mail was thought to be stronger then round wire links, I would also guess that this would have been much more expensive than the standard mail.
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