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Old 18th June 2016, 07:43 AM   #12
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Default Masonic Naval Dirk

Hi guys

thankyou for confirming my first thought that this dirk had a masonic connection. Speaking to a friend who happens to be a retired naval officer he advised that such Dirks are not unusual as the Free Masons had strong ties with military and in particular the Navy. I found one other example of this dirk, although in poor condition come up for sale through the dealer Sailor in Saddle.

From what I have been able to find out the royal Naval lodge was founded in 1739, the symbology of the Nile medal was redolent of Masonry and Nelson was admitted to the Ancient Order of Gregorians in 1801. It would be interesting to find out more about the link with Freemasons and Nelsons Navy.


Cathey and Rex
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