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Old 14th June 2016, 05:48 AM   #19
Bob A
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 435

Much gratitude to Ibrahim al Balooshi, for the multitude of synaptical connections his thread has caused to flash in my memory banks.

First, the links to Lawrence, Castle Hill and the Arab Bulletin. I had thought I had done with TEL decades ago, but now I'm awash in so much new information I may have to dive into those deep, if brackish, waters again.

Then Kipling and Gunga Din, for a moment of complete thread hijack, for which in best military tradition I assume it's best to apologise after, rather than seek permission:

"YOU may talk o' gin an' beer
When you're quartered safe out 'ere,"
inspired the title of George Macdonald Fraser's book, "Quartered Safe Out Here", which I mention for the following tangential reasons; it is one of the few books on military campaign written by a professional writer who served in the ranks, rather than as an officer, further because it describes the WWII Burma campaign, so seldom mentioned. It concerns the commander General William Slim, who might have been the best fighting general officer in the British military at the time. (General Slim also influenced the use of the Naga warriors, under the command of Miss Ursula Bower, to interdict (and behead many of) the Japanese in the Burma Theater, while providing an escape chain for downed airmen flying The Hump. Anyone interested in the doings of that time would be well advised to look into Fraser).

Sorry. Thank you for your patience. Now back to (quadrupedal) beasts of burden in warfare . . .
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