Hi Shamsy and welcome to the forum (it seems like yesterday when I also came up here ...).
To your questions: There are many interesting books on African weapons which I never had in my hands, nevertheles from those I have I would recommend also other books by late Mr Zirngibl - (Afrikanische Waffen, Rare African Short weapons, African Shields), also my favourite book by Christopher Spring - African Arms and Armour.
Collecting African arms is exciting - you will learn to recognize fakes when you see (in natura) enough originals. I think old African weapons and shields is a world of lost technologies and techniques (especially in the case of shields). From this reason it is not easy to make "authentic" copy. It is much more easier to copy masks and statues. I think another reason is various materials used for onr thing - iron, brass, wood, leather...
So good luck !