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Old 12th June 2016, 04:42 PM   #1
Tim Simmons
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Question Aus Aboriginal club+shield

Hoping for some help here. I have these two pieces coming to me. Obviously they are not 19th century. The photographs show the whole thing but that is about all. There is the slightest hint in the pictures indicating the items are not new and may have some vintage. The seller is not a antique or collector dealer but did suggest a Warumungu origin. That is central western desert, Northern Territory, around Tennant Creek, pretty much a frontier until the 1930s. Information on the form of the shield is proving hard to find. However the Pitt-Rivers has information on painted shields of the region and suggests forms do vary. The shield is around 86 cm x 9 cm the club is 111 cm. I do not know much about inter tribal conflict circa mid 20th century. The painting would suggest to me ceremonial objects. I am not an expert but they do not look like tourist trade work. Combing Australian museums and Aboriginal art collections I am starting to feel I mayhave some artwork I would not be able to afford had I bought from a gallery. Clearly better pictures are needed. I will add information as I get it in replies but if you know more please add.
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Last edited by Tim Simmons; 12th June 2016 at 05:40 PM.
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