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Old 12th June 2016, 04:15 AM   #12
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Ibrahiim, AMAZING topic!!!!!
Excellent entries and artwork, you and Estcrh are a great team at the graphics and support in these discussions.

Kronckew, I could not be with you more on "Gunga Din", and I can never seem to watch that and these other classics enough.
Many years ago, I was about to watch Gunga Din ..AGAIN! and asked my wife to join me........she said OK......but you cant wear the helmet *'re scaring the cats!!!!

* my trusty British pith helmet

It is always unclear just how often these weapons were discharged from the animals, it seems mostly they were transported by them, then assembled at position . I think of the Mountain Artillery guns packed in on horseback etc.
I have always thought of camels as pretty skittish, and a loud report or recoil might offset them. But then it seems the firing of matchlocks or muskets from them must have been loud too .
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