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Old 10th June 2016, 06:41 PM   #15
Ibrahiim al Balooshi
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Originally Posted by Roland_M
Hi Angus,

in my honest opinion, the blade is no modern fake, it is at least from the period of around WW I.
I can see some pitting, which is not too easy to fake. The quality of the forging work seems pretty good, I cannot see any flaws, like open layers or so.

The pattern welded blade is also not a roughly forged blade. If the blade would be polished up to a grit of 2000 oder better 3000 and etched with high detail etchant, you probably will see much more and much finer details than now.

But the siganture, which was translated with "Assad Allah" is not real. Assad Allah was the most famous wootz blacksmith and this definitely no wootz.

I think bringing up the blade then waxing the scabbard would be reasonable..There may be parts of this weapon which are joined or mixed ...That can happen but cleaned up this could revive the weapon. Make the best of it and lets see what it looks like after some restoration...Take your time and don't overdo it ... Good luck.
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