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Old 9th June 2016, 04:01 PM   #9
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 14
Default Shamshir

Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
Is this not an Ottoman Shamshir? My first impression and in considering what happened to the weapon~ has it been in a fire? The Hilt looks part roasted The scabbard may have fire damage but appears to be sharkskin? The fuirniture is blackened (fire damage?)... The blade is saying Wootz but I cannot be sure as it looks rough. The hilt which could be Rhino has nails hammered into it and has deep scratch damage in places..The cross guard looks like it got hit with a dremmel wire brush....

The script looks like Allah with the addition underneath of the Talismanic "Bismullah wa Rehman wa Rahim"..The second smaller Cartouch is the Islamic date 1209. If you believe the date it indicates ABOUT 215 years old...(1253 = 1850 for quick referencing)

See for another Ottoman Shamshir.

Regards and welcome to the Forum...Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
That date would make sense the other sword it came with was one of those Qajar period Kilij with the script covering both sides of the blade and the serpent as well and also the cross guard has the dragon head quillions. I believe it s known as a "Revival " type sword / at any rate I am glad to have something to post. The sword you linked to is stunning and obviously of much better pettigree.. I do know that these swords were in an old collection ( by American standards) and havent seen the light of day for a while.
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