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Old 5th June 2016, 04:37 AM   #7
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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I agree with the Circassian probability on these, and that these are European cavalry blades. While they of course may be Solingen, I feel due to the curious motif that they may well be Hungarian blades. This is to the similarity of the talismanic and magic associated devices and motif which may relate to the so called 'Transylvanian knot' which collectively refers to some of these. According to Ostrowski (1979) discussing Polish sabres, many Hungarian blades came from Styrian sources rather than Solingen.

Finding these kinds of blades mounted in these wonderfully interesting shashkas makes them all the more intriguing in my view.

Ariel, would I be correct in assuming that Circassian examples would be more likely found with European blades, while the 'gurda' ; 'ters maymal; kaldam etc. would be most commonly on Chechen and Daghestani swords?
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