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Old 16th May 2016, 01:06 AM   #2
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
Posts: 1,629

Hi Richard.
WOW!! Now that is interesting. And really strange. Hmmmm.....
The breech on yours seems to be the same pear shape as mine - but in the opposite direction ???? I honestly don't know what to make of that. You just have to wonder what some of their thinking was??
The breech on my barrel seems to be designed just like the photo here from the YouTube vidio.
Speaking of which. I was expecting my barrel back from the barrelsmith around the end of March. I was almost next in line. But then he had to have knee surgery and would be limited to about two hours of work a day for about 6 weeks. DARN. So It's now looking like sometime in June.
Please post your matchlock when you have the opportunity. And thanks for telling me about the barrel. Seems like another varient (?).
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