Thread: Afghan Jazail
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Old 14th May 2016, 09:59 PM   #12
Join Date: Jul 2010
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Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
Thanks Rick!
On the European forum we are discussing EIC markings, and my thread is seeking any sword BLADES which are marked to the EIC. There has been a great deal of attention toward the outstanding work by David Harding 1997-99, "Small Arms of the East India Company". This is a huge 4 volume set and accordingly horrendously expensive.
Hi Jim.
While not usually a blade guy, I've been following your Thread. And I noticed the lock on this gun dated 1803 fits the guidelines you posted.
An interesting coincidence was while I was corresponding with the gunsmith about the barrel, he asked me if I had a copy of Hardings "Introduction to EIC Small Arms" as per Richard's quote. He said to buy it - if you can find it!! I've Googled, but any reference says: not available, sold out, etc.
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