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Old 10th May 2016, 04:26 PM   #16
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Thank you so much!!! Brilliantly observed, and I confess I had not thought of Roman numerals used in repetitive linear motif. The note on the significance of numerology in Christian and Hebrew religions is indeed an important factor and particularly here in what may be invocative or commemorative.
It is interesting that the thuluth covered blades known in the Sudan are also using similar invocative repetitive style using Quranic phrases or wording.
I really appreciate your input on this, as your knowledge on the weapons of these regions is always key in our discussions.

Thank you for the note and hope your trips have been successful.
As mentioned, often these kinds of situations are the case, and as this example was most interesting we were anxious to know your response as well as any further details.
Looking forward to your posts with any other examples as we continue to look into these Ethiopian inscriptions on arms.
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