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Old 7th May 2016, 09:31 PM   #12
Jim McDougall
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Thank you very much for these interesting views, and I think Kubur may have a point in degree with the suggestion of the Axumite characters which are indeed like Roman numerals in a number of instances among them.

Ibrahiim, I think your zero response note are refers to the odd lack of response by the thread originator, which while curious, does seem to happen on many occasions.
I always hope for the best, and that they have simply forgotten about the post or perhaps computer issues or travelling might preclude their response.

In any case, I am glad to have this blade posted, as it has been years since one like it was discussed, so good to have opportunity for new insights.

I really appreciate the great images, and the note on this Ethiopian king being referred to as the Lion of Judah. I have the impression these blades are commemorative rather than talismanic and celebrate this king who was killed in battle against Mahdist forces.
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