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Old 7th May 2016, 09:29 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Default Ottoman Tufuk Carbine

Hello all.
Here is a new aquistion. This is a rather plain example, with minimum decoration. In fact, it's a bit difficult to see the brass decoration. The patina is so dark it almost blends with the stock stain. There is a makers mark on the lock and barrel. And there is a stress crack on the bottom of the butt stock. The lock is in working order, but needs cleaned and adjustment. The barrel has light engraving with a cannon style muzzle and measures right at .60 caliber. And there's some light engraving on the barrel. In fact, the barrel looks some-what Persian. But probably not. Anyway, this gun will clean up and restore nicely, with minimum fuss. Here's some pics. Thanks for looking.
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