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Old 3rd May 2016, 02:49 PM   #20
Richard G
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 409

Khanjar 1,
I don't think the law in the UK has changed yet, this is a proposed Bill that is going through Parliament. It should, in theory, make life easier for the shippers of antiques, as these will be more clearly defined; but tighten up the rules on de-activated firearms to the extent most current de-activation will not meet the required citeria.

I suspect many courier or parcel services in the UK try to avoid 'firearms' even if antique, because they are scared of unforeseen problems at the other end or in transit, and being left holding a very unpopular baby. Possibly the same in Switzerland. You may find it easier, if not cheaper, if you can find a NZ shipping agent, who the exporter or his agent can trust, to act for you.

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