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Old 3rd May 2016, 01:22 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by AHorsa
A nice field sabre (Feldsäbel) from the 17th century. Central Europe most likely. Mid to second half I think. It seems that the saber was opened in the past as the traces of a bench wise and the abraded (?) rivet hat are indicating. But the blade is fitting in style and period to the handle and likely is the original one. The animal mark is the so called "Passauer Wolf" (- Wolf of Passau). It was originally used by the Passauer smiths but was copied later, especially by smiths in Solingen, where your blade likely was manufactured.
Nice piece!

Best regards

Thanks so much for the information Andreas, you've given me a good place to start. If you don't mind me asking what do you make of the decoration on the guard?

I will photograph the "rivet hat" more closely tomorrow.
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