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Old 28th April 2016, 06:41 PM   #19
EAAF Staff
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Location: Centerville, Kansas
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Detlef, Thank you for your kind comments on the restoration work. I try to be as accurate as possible when having to make replacement parts (or when making repairs to original parts) using the same materials and trying to match the finish as closely as possible to that of the item they are to be placed on. I just wish that there was more information available on what the original intended use of these brass and copper bladed knives and daggers was. As Jose has suggested they had a talismanic purpose to help ward off evil as well as being an effective weapon against people with supernatural powers. It has also been suggested that they are ceremonial in nature, but not what capacity they served. There is also the belief that wounds inflicted by their use will not readily heal and will help lead to the subsequent death of the victim. I have also heard that brass and copper bladed knives were used to cut open bags of gunpowder because they will not create sparks, something definitely not wanted while working with or around explosives. Unfortunately because of the way they are built most of the brass/copper bladed daggers and knives that I have seen would not be suitable for this purpose. A more robust blade than most of these possess would be needed for such a task. I have just won a copper bladed knife that I believe was actually made for this purpose and will post photos of it here just as soon as it arrives. I would greatly appreciate any other information or suggestion that anyone has on the use of these unique items.

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