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Old 15th April 2016, 06:54 AM   #9
mariusgmioc's Avatar
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Thank you for the new photos!

Based solely on the photos is difficult to form a definitive opinion, but from what I see I tend to believe it is elephant ivory, both the pommel and the scales.

The blade also appears to be wootz, but then again, it is difficult to say from the photos.

If I had this knife, I would give it a thorough cleaning, some polishing (to both the blade and the hilt), then try some etching of the blade.

Anyhow, it is a very nice knife.

PS: Not long ago, I got an Indian Pesk-kabz in pretty bad shape. Cleaned it thoroughly (the hilt with alcohol and the blade with white spirit), gave it a good polishing (the hilt with 1000/2000 up to 5000/7000 grit - and the blade with 800 up to 3000 grit) then etched the blade, and the result was spectacular. The polishing revealed the superb elephant ivory hilt and the etching revealed high contrast wootz.
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