Wow quite an interessting discussion going on since my last login. I apologise for not answering since I had some health and personal issues.
Concerning the eBay discussion, since I also collect coins I know that 90% off all forgeries come from that place. I prefer to miss out "bargains" and maybe pay 10-20% more in an reputable place than having sleepless nights over the authenticity of an piece.
Off course I admit there surely nice bargains to be made but you always have to check that site for not to miss it.
Furthermore since I am a still a completely novice on the field of swords there is an very high chance me getting ripped off on eBay or the 'fleamarket'. Off course getting misguided at a major auctionhouse is also possible but the chances are quite smaller. That's why I asked you guys about czernys initally since I didn't know them. Thanks again for your advices
I ordered now myself the 2 books of Peirce and Oakeschott and will read into it. I am planning to participate at bonhams in 1 month so there is still some time for me.
Also I am comparing the realised prices of the last few years to get a feeling how far I can go and when my piggybank is starting to cry.

Somehow I don't really understand them yet. I was under the impression that thousands of viking swords were found. So why is a rare? 'ulfberth' cheaper than a seemingly nameless vikingsword?
And to stay with this topic, at what do you look at a viking sword to judge it's quality?
Many thanks in advance