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Old 12th April 2016, 08:26 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by harrywagner
I am uncertain if I am allowed to say this or not, but will try. The moderators can remove it if is not allowed.

I purchased this item and the "beater sword" in Michigan. Both were sold as 19thc.
Harry, just a comment which you may or may not take heed of. If you look at many of the listings on a well known website, you will see that there are a lot of items described as older than they actually appear, or in fact are, to try and extract the most from any buyer. IMHO try and stick to reputable/well known sellers either on the internet or elsewhere, and hopefully you will not get stung so often. However it is the buyer who in the end must accept the blame if things are not as they are described. The ultimate of course is to have a "return" agreement so that you can return the item if it is not as you thought.
Collecting is something which establishes knowledge over time, but as has been said before it can be fatal to rush into a purchase without doing your homework first.
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