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Old 12th April 2016, 02:54 PM   #6
Vikingsword Staff
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Congratulations on a nice acquisition! I'm pleased it found an appreciative home. There are a number of historical possibilities, as you point out. I thought it was an interesting talking point for this forum, and a possible French connection makes it a little more intriguing.


Originally Posted by machinist
I am surprised I did not see this thread until today, sorry Ian but it is mine now.
The historical possibilities made it hard to pass up and if I have to eat beans and rice for a while so be it. It won't be the first time.
The idea of it being of French origin certainly pleases me and opens up many unprovable possibilities,
a prize from the battle of Puebla? An even earlier relic of the "Pastry war"?
I imagine nationalistic pride rather than necessity caused its reforging and rehilting into a proper Mexican sword.
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