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Old 11th April 2016, 08:52 PM   #6
kahnjar1's Avatar
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Originally Posted by mariusgmioc
The stamped maker's mark on the blade makes me doubt that is a tourist thing, or a "fake" (by the way, can you define "fake?").

Moreover, I doubt that is Indo-Persian .

Judging by the shape and workmanship, I am more inclined to say it is Syria or Turkey.

But I am definitely far from being a specialist so take my opinion more like a guess.
Hi Harry,
As Marius says, the stamp on the blade COULD suggest non tourist but then there are many "cartouches" and false stamps on blades of items which ARE tourist. The "engraving" on the other side of the blade looks a bit rough compared with the stamp.
Your comment re "significant wear" is correct, but often the castings are of poor quality and created in the first place to look old and worn.....but what about the leather?? on the scabbard which looks very new from the pics.
Finally just because one has not seen another piece like it does not mean that it is original.
I also would be interested as to what you define as "FAKE" as opposed to "tourist". To me the term is used to describe an item which is made as a copy of an original so that large amounts of money can be made by selling it as an original. I do not see something like this with relatively low return being made as a fake.
I reserve my original decision.
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