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Old 10th April 2016, 05:16 PM   #18
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Originally Posted by Kubur
Another set sold recently
There is another kind of pistol tourist made its the pistol axe, I will try to find an example, but i'm ure you know what I mean...
Yes, some more good examples. The bone/imitation ivory stocked one in the middle: Looks like it may have utilized some original parts (?) At first, I thought the miquelet lock might be an original lock. But the pieces look like castings versus forgings. So it may be just a better made copy ? Note the lock is simply attached to the right side of the stock with modern wood screws instead of being mounted on the left side with lock plate bolts as would an authentic shooting piece.

Here is a pic of the tourist gun with the "axe" head butt you mention. This paticular example was sent to my gunsmith by someone who wanted it rebuilt to a shootable gun. So he inlet a new contemorary made lock and barrel, and added a sheet brass barrel band. I told my gunsmith: And you think I had some strange projects !!! LOL !!!

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