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Old 9th April 2016, 08:53 PM   #14
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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OK. Here is an extreme example (if not textbook) of what I was mentioning above.
The photos below show a pair of so called pistols for sale. The title was: Pair of Silver-Inlaid Flintlock Pistols. The description includes that the locks are rusted internally and do not function. And they estimate that the pistols were made in 1750-1820. The seller had a minimum starting bid of $1,500.00USD (with no Reserve), and a Buy Now price of $4,000.00USD. LOL !!!!!
They were being offered by an antique shop that obviously has no idea what they had. Don't think I would have had the heart to tell them. LOL!!!
But this is one of the best examples I have seen.
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Last edited by rickystl; 9th April 2016 at 10:10 PM.
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