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Old 6th April 2016, 07:16 PM   #7
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 584

Originally Posted by Helleri
I actually like collecting tourist blades. Because I can have a representation of many more blades from different areas of the world then I could other wise. There is no need to go all out on a display or even really needing to have the space for em' either, as I can just stuff them in a drawer without much concern. They're also not bad place holders until getting something truly impressive to fill a slot in a collection (at least visually, when you handle them you can usually feel the cheap). As long as I can pay the tourist blade price and not the antique collectors price. They're kind of cool to have.
I think your comments make a lot of sense and plenty of the other members would agree particularly as the prices of the genuine articles keeps rising all the time. I was fortunate enough to obtain my collection when the genuine items were much more available and considerably cheaper.
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