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Old 5th April 2016, 04:01 PM   #17
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Germany
Posts: 95

Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
Salaams Jim, Thank you for the fine article in itself a great research document and as I was looking at Sir Richard Burton I noted Sindh Revisited: A Journey in the Footsteps of Captain Sir ...1842 -1849.
Hello Ibrahiim,
I have overlooked you post before, thank you for the book hint, I already nabbed a cheap copy and can't wait to dig into it.

Originally Posted by Jens Nordlunde
The Talpur family were known for collecting blades of a very high quality - and I dont think that this blade belongs to this catogary.
So inscription or not, I dont think this blade can have been part of the Talpur armoury. A later inscription - maybe - to give the sword more value -who knows.
Yes, this sword strikes me as more a fighting sword, and although I like the hilt, wherever it originally belongs, the koftgari is not of the highest quality compared to a lot of other examples I have seen so far.
And of course you can never discount the possibility of later added "upgrades" to a sword blade, but as you said, who knows.

Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
Gernot, whatever the case may be with the present mounts on this sword, the blade on this sword is remarkably connected to the Talpurs, and the article and book Ibrahiim has noted would be excellent sources for your continued research.
Thank you again for sharing it here!!!
You're welcome. When I bought the sword, I just picked it up for aesthetic reasons and didn't expect it to be historically significant at all, so whatever the authenticity of its parts or assembly are, I'm very happy with it.

One question, is there a way to quote multiple posts without a lot of copy-pasting? If there is, I cannot find it.

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