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Old 5th April 2016, 03:38 PM   #7
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Posts: 525

The data concerning the caliber reaches from 14,3mm to 17,9mm at the muzzle and from 14,6 to 16,8mm before the chamber. The length of the flight (the length of the bullet way) is between 154 and 165mm. The diameter of the chamber is from 9,0 to 15,0mm, the powder volume from 7,2 to 13,8cm³.
The barrel was casted from bronze. Flight and chamber are not exactly arranged around the length axis of the pipe.
The surface of the rifle shows some rough traces from a file.
The surfaces are not really symmetrically.
The inside of the barrel was smoothed after casting.
Powder chamber and flight are separated from each other by a slightly contraction.
The cavity around the touch hole was originally no powder pan and was formed during usage by burning and corrosion.
Altogether the rifle seems to be quite careless made.

Total length : 320,0 mm
Caliber: 15,16 mm (according to Wlassaty: 17,2–17,9)
Length of the barrel: 286,4 mm max.
Length of soul (bullet way): 168,4 mm
Powder chamber only: 118,0 mm
Weight: 1.235 g
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