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Old 5th April 2016, 07:52 AM   #13
Ibrahiim al Balooshi
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Originally Posted by Miguel
Hello Ibrahiim,

Thank you very much for your interesting information and for the links which are most informative, I am most appreciative of sharing in your knowledge.

Not having much knowledge of these weapons I must admit to not knowing of the existence of Gabali khanjar which is as you say is exactly the same as mine apart from the hilt.

The links are very interesting and I take your point re hilts made from rock crystal being heavy and impractical if they dropped onto a hard unyielding surface they would shatter or pieces splinter off. The examples you showed were in the shape of an Arab style hilt. Mine is in the style of an Indian pistol grip fitted to what I believe to be an Arab blade. This is why I believe it to be for an Indian who likes the Yemen style blade and scabbard or an Arab who likes the Indian style handle as I said previously I doubt the latter as I have never seen an Arab khanjar or Jambiya with this style of handle.
I would appreciate your opinion on this together with your estimation of the age of the weapon.

Salaams Miguel, Oh yes I had forgotten that one of my references contained some rock crystal hilts as well as pictures of the Gebali weapon.

As you say we need to consider 45 years in your possession plus the other variables... Of course it is virtually impossible but the dagger has all of its history on show including the obvious rehilting and perhaps travel to India and the fact that the scabbard silver has a great patina indicating age...but how much? Yemen influence through trade and migration to India etc is well documented and you will find Yemeni influence in the great spices plantations and in centres like Hyderabad. The age of the scabbard could be 100 years and you might be happy with that ... Who knows when it was re hilted as wear on the hilt is virtually impossible to determine?
Hilts like that are actually millions of years old!!...
A better answer could be... "Its old enough" !

Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
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