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Old 3rd April 2016, 05:05 PM   #9
Ibrahiim al Balooshi
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Originally Posted by Miguel
Hello Everyone I would like to share this item with you and to solicit your assistance in determining it`s origin.

I think it is a beautiful design of weapon in it`s simplicity and symmetry. The hilt of an Indian pistol grip design in polished Sardonyx stone whereas the blade and scabbard are pure Arab from south Yemen called `Hejaz`. I have never seen an Arab Jambiya with a stone pistol grip hilt so I am inclined to think that it is of Indian origin but I just don't know. There seems to be some punched decoration or inscription in the centre panel of the scabbard if the latter I would be grateful if someone could translate it.
The overall length is 12 ins with a blade length of 7.75 ins x 1.75 ins wide.
Thanking you in anticipation.

Salaams Miguel, I agree on the Yemeni style with typical punched insignia....though an almost exact dagger to this is called the Gabali in Southern Oman whose tribes straddle the border.. see In addition see the picture at #127

Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
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