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Old 1st April 2016, 06:23 PM   #4
Jim McDougall
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Very much agree, a very good idea to display comparative examples to show differences between authentically known pieces and items with components incongruent or of later reproduced nature.

Some time ago there was a very good article on British pistols with various East India Co mkgs as well as some with the British makers names and GR stamps etc. but which were produced in the Khyber areas. There was a cottage industry of the innovative artisans in these areas producing guns duplicating the originals even into our times.
Here the authentic as opposed to the 'fabricated' examples were shown with the telling features explained.

As always, caution in using the 'fake' term and toward using names or identifying individuals responsible for the questionable items.

Good suggestion Kubur. As Battara notes, knowledge is power as the markets increasingly are consumed with questionable examples.
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