Thread: Timang
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Old 31st March 2016, 10:10 PM   #7
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Two of the bird-like hooks are reins hooks, #1 and #3, they were used to hold the reins so a horseman could use both hands for his weapons.

The middle "bird" (#2) is not a reins hook but rather, it is used to support a bamboo stick that holds a newly circumcised boy's sarung away from his penis.

Many people have erred in identification of these hooks, including major museums.

All of these hooks are extremely rare items. The three you see here are the only three I've been able to buy in 50 years. I have seen one other in private hands, a reins hook, that was absolutely superb, but I was not able to buy it --- at any price.
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