[QUOTE=A.alnakkas]So Islamic text is talismanic. Sure, thats valid. But why is ARABIC talismanic? So a book on science translated into Arabic would have some talismanic side too?
Also, not all text on arms is quranic/Islamic (but alot are) some, like this one posted by Harry is more nationalistic rather than religious.
... I think Forum would agree that since we are dealing with Ethnographic arms (usually) that the vast majority of script we see is directly attributed to Quranic reference.
I therefor add that what I refer to as Arabic encompasses those references i.e. religious talismanic script. Thus I link practically all of the Talisman forms abobe
in the met museum reference related to Islamic Arms and Armour to these main objectives seen in the Quran. Do you know any Islamic script on Ethnographic arms and Armour which are not rooted in this document? Do not all the Islamic inscriptions on weapons we study from this region stem from Islamic sources in the Quran?....
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.