Originally Posted by fernando
Man, you are getting old. How about applying some lubricant in the joints ? 
i thought good vintage port was a universal lubricant...
the pics are at the limit for attachments at 1280 pixels wide, so as to provide the most detail. i run them thru an size optimizer that cuts the file size quite a bit as well for easier uploads, downloads by slow connections and storage on the forum server.

i was going to crop them in height but got side tracked.
my camera can go up to about 4k pixels (8meg sensor) wide HiDef* but most forum software cannot handle that.
*- for the techies, i can take 3 (or more) photos - from a tripod at +1, 0,-1 exposure then merge them to extend the dynamic range & detail. best done outdoors with good lighting. seems like every time i think about that tho, it's raining or cloudy.