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Old 30th March 2016, 06:51 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Ian
Actually, Amuk did not mention the language that was used here, which is why there have been so many questions asked. You and Alan perhaps know him from posts in the Warung Kopi because you two are the only ones who have mentioned a Dutch connection.
The Dutch connection is in the spellings Amuk is using which are Dutch transliterations of specific native terms. The combination of "oe" is common to the Dutch.
Originally Posted by Ian
When you say:
What we might want to focus on is Amuk's first statements. Is this truly a good selection of "representative examples [that] illustrate the basic range"?
Is this actually what's being asked of us? If so, I would not have gathered that from Amuk's post.
Actually Ian, i don't believe Amuk is asking us for anything. It seems more likely that he is making a "presentation".
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