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Old 29th March 2016, 07:18 PM   #5
Vikingsword Staff
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Hi Sajen:

Yes, you are right that these have been discussed here several times previously. The old UBB forum also had a couple more examples. These swords are so uncommon that I think they deserve mentioning each time we see one because there are quite a few Moro sword collectors who visit these pages and there is interest in these pieces.

In partial answer to my own question about foreign blades showing up in these forms of kris, there was one posted previously in the first thread you mention that may well be a remounted Western saber. That one is shown here and the picture came from a museum in Seattle. And here is a similar example that may also be a remounted Western saber.

One thing I have noted about these kris sabers is that they tend to mounted plainly (rather than in a junggayan style) with business-like scabbards, and seem to have been intended for use--i.e. combat.


Originally Posted by Sajen
Hello Ian,

this saber like kris were discussed already before. See here: & here:

I was also one of the bidders but don't go higher by the same reason Mross don't bid higher.

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