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Old 29th March 2016, 12:33 PM   #22
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Well, I guess I'm wrong and you people are right, but just the same, in spite of over 60 years' worth of experience in my own field of expertise, in spite of having had the benefit of tuition by Javanese empus and other craftsmen who are legends in their own country, in spite of having bought and sold keris internationally for almost 40 years, I still lack the ability to adequately appraise a keris from the photographs that I have seen provided by both ebay sellers and on-line auction houses, and as for their descriptions, I'd as soon not comment.

I am not for one moment suggesting that others cease to gain satisfaction from ebay and on-line auctions, I am only saying that I do not yet have sufficient knowledge and experience to permit me to do so.

I suppose I should add that I do have other sources which over the years have permitted me to obtain some quite acceptable items. Sources that are not available to most people.
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