Hullo everybody!

Taking advantage of another window of opportunity.

Selected representative examples illustrating the basic range.
This post is presented as is.
Should any of the labelling become a source of bewilderment/confusion, please do not be concerned. Simply ignore. It is merely for the ease and consistency of taxonomy.
Better photos, examples and other details I’ll leave for the aficionado and those more able than I (if they’re not already available elsewhere in this forum).
Referring to the photo and going left-right:
1. Kalis Ladja Laoed (Straight blade)
Desc: Kalis Toelid
Blade: LxOALxWxT=45x59x10.07x1.31cm.
Handle: Wood Sarimanoek
2. Kalis Balikoeng/Pililiang (3-wave blade)
Desc: Kalis Teloe Sikoe
Blade: LxOALxWxT=47x59x10.56x2.03cm.
Handle: Ivory Sarimanoek pommel w/ cane-wrap
3. Kalis Piliang (5-wave blade)
Desc: Kalis Naga Galap Lima Sikoe
Blade: LxOALxWxT=45.5x57x9.82x1.15cm.
Handle: Horn Mataangin pommel w/ twine-wrap
4. Kalis Djenia (7-wave blade)
Desc: Kalis Pitoe Sikoe
Blade: LxOALxWxT=48.5x61x10.1x1.27cm.
Handle: Wood Sarimanoek pommel w/ twine-wrap
5. Kalis Lanteh Bandoeh (9-wave blade)
Desc: Kalis Siam Sikoe
Blade: LxOALxWxT=50x63x11.15x1.27cm.
Handle: Wood Sarimanoek pommel w/ twine-wrap
6. Kalis Lanteh Liamai (15-wave blade)
Desc: Kalis Hangpotaglima Sikoe
Blade: LxOALxWxT=56x69x11.83x1.11cm.
Handle: Wood Mataangin pommel w/ twine-wrap
7. Kalis Lanteh Agoeboekoe (21-wave blade)
Desc: Kalis Hangpotagesa Sikoe
Blade: LxOALxWxT=66x72x10.86x1.09cm.
8. Kalis Endas (23-wave blade)
Desc: Kalis Naga Kaoehantagteloe Sikoe
Blade: LxOALxWxT=57.5x70.5x13.36x1.41cm.
Handle: Wood Mataangin pommel
9. Kalis Endas (29-wave blade)
Desc: Kalis Naga Kaoehantagsiam Sikoe
Blade: LxOALxWxT=56x68x10.85x1.22cm.
Handle: Ivory Sarimanoek pommel w/ cane-wrap