Thread: Yataghans
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Old 25th March 2016, 09:07 PM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 584

Originally Posted by TVV
Very nice yataghans Miguel, thank you for sharing. generally speaking, yataghans with big ears of walrus ivory are attributed to the Western Balkans. The first one is very typical, possibly made in Bosnia. The steel furniture on the scabbard is a little more unusual and could be a case of some Western influence.

The second yatghan has lovely silver band and bolsters, in a style associated with Greece. The scabbard with the reptile skin and the shiny brass chape looks to me like a more recent repair/replacement. The chape almost looks like something out of India/Afghanistan and it is possible the whole thing was put together with spare parts, as the reptile skin appears to be glued and not stitched.

Thank you for your comments Teodor I am much obliged for this information. I had a feeling myself about the scabbard of No 2 not being quite right and I think your comments re being put together with spare parts may well be the case, I have compared the chape with the ones on my Khyber Knife scabbards and they are similar.
You did not comment on the `Seal of Solomon` inscription and I would be grateful to learn whether it is talismanic or something else.
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