Thread: Khanda sword
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Old 18th March 2016, 07:04 PM   #10
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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The great part about discussion is that exchange of ideas and observations expand the comprehension of the subject in working toward a more conclusive evaluation or better posed options.
I think Ariel makes good points here (no pun intended) regarding the blade. Though some examples were indeed shorter than others, this seems a bit shorter than those typically shown in references. The lack of the 'trunking' rivet holes at forte does seem significant, and reworking of the blade quite possible.
The tip of this blade seems atypical toward either the 'spatulate' flare or the acute point of spear or other shapes usually seen on early khandas. It seems too 'rebated' for thrust however, and it seems that the swordsmanship of these times favored heavy chopping or slashing cuts instead.
I would not have suspected paint in the blade patches, but not surprised between these old eyes and my less than high tech computer 'skills'(?).
That is a relief though! and though I cannot imagine why paint would be bolsters the value of that patination.

If up to me, I would leave darkened patination alone as to me it adds to the historical demeanor of the sword. I am only for stabilizing active corrosion and any damage. As for the paint spots, remove or darken accordingly.
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