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Old 17th March 2016, 12:40 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Gavin Nugent
Perhaps a new thread or an old Kora thread should be revived....this image of a Sikh holding a Kora, although a line drawing from the 19th century puts an alternative perspective on the early type when viewing the hilt.

Here is a comparison between Gavins kora (lt) and a kora from Artzi (rt), with the Indian kora drawing in the middle, with Gavins being described as Tibetan and Artzis described as being Central / North Indian. The Indian kora drawing has a different blade type and hilt. Gavins and Artzis kora seem to be of the same type.

Below is George stones kora description with Arials kora on the bottom right, which looks just like the kora that Stone describes as being from Nepal. Both of the kora that Stone describes as being from Tibet seem to have a different blade type fron the Nepal kora.
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