Originally Posted by Arsendaday
Also the shorter version is described as an Armenian kindjal/knife by Astvatsaturian in her "Weapons of the Caucasus" book, I will post a photo of the shorter Caucasian/Armenian version as soon as I get it.
Here is the photo of what I consider a shorter version of Qaddara. (Note the fullers and the maker mark). This is a single edge, triple (more if you count the narrow lines) fullered knife with silver rivets and Caucasian type horn handle. The rivets on the handle have been replaced at a later time IMHO and were installed on the wrong side. (Unless the wielder was a leftie and this was a special order, which I highly doubt) The scabbard is missing

When I bought this knife it came in a Caucasian Kindjal scabbard. I think it left the Caucasus that way. As you can see it doesn't even fit the scabbard. So again somebody just took the knife and stuck it in the first scabbard they got their hands onto. The scabbard BTW is for a Russian KKV (Kuban Cossack Warriors) Kindjal. I will post photos later.
The only other daggers fullered this way and of this size are Surmene Daggers, but they have very distinctive handles and blades (last photo and also check this link:
So I consider this the Caucasian ancestor of Persian/Isfahan Qaddara.
P.S. I welcome all feedback on this knife.