Thread: Kalinga axe
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Old 12th March 2016, 03:45 AM   #3
EAAF Staff
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Vandoo is right. This is a Kalinga head axe belonging to a datu, or at least a great Kalinga warrior.

I believe that the brass is pierced in the form of tattoos, although I need to confirm this.

It is up to you whether to clean or keep the patina on brass. Silver is meant to be cleaned and polished, but bronze is meant to keep the patina. Brass? - jury is still out on that one. It seems for now it depends on the individual.

At the very least clean off any dirt with soap and water.

Congratulations on a great piece, and as Vandoo said, please post close ups.

BTW - the bottom is made of white metal, a nickel/copper alloy.
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