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Old 11th March 2016, 08:58 PM   #5
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 584

Originally Posted by kahnjar1
Hi Miguel,
I have a feeling that this COULD be modern Indian manufacture. As you state everything looks very nice, but what about the fit of the leather to metal? The leather appears to be "fatter" than the metal it sits against.
Hi Stu,

Thanks for your reply. I think your feeling could be correct and that it is Indian made. You are also correct about the leather to the metal. The leather abuts the locket and chape and is not covered by them. The shroud at the base of the hilt is also to short to hold the knife firmly in it`s scabbard all things that make you suspicious of its origin.
I wonder what or who it was made for ? I guess I may never know and it will join my made for Tourist folder along with my other mistaken buys.

Kind regards
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