Thread: A Beater Sword
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Old 11th March 2016, 11:47 AM   #8
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Default Thanks!

Thanks! i took a chance on this one. I should know better. Nothing to do but shrug it off. I have come to accept that I will get burned occasionally trying to quickly makeup for four decades of missed collecting. It is not a total loss. It will make good office decor, and it still counts towards my education. The more pieces I handle, fake or real, the better I will be at spotting the keepers. At least I hope that is the case! For the record, I don't have any hard feelings towards the dealer I bought this from. I will be more cautious about buying from them again, but am not about to make a fuss over a small thing like this. Thanks again for the help. I like knowing what I have. As much as I dislike being fooled, I would dislike it even more if I was fooled and never knew.

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