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Old 7th March 2016, 07:53 AM   #1
Martin Lubojacky
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Czech Republic
Posts: 841
Default Identification help needed

Please, could you help with identification ? (and any relating info is welcome).
All parts are original, firmly keeping together, no damages. The sabre is not big (altogether cca 90 cms), but is heavy, The haft is made of very hard wood (something like cherry). Supension (rings) are big, as you can see, very strong. The blade is similar to typical e.g. Austro-Hungarian troopers sabers from the second part of 19th century. Overall it resembles me Polish sabres, but I put in into this forum because of the marks on the blade (producer/state armoury ?). My idea is it could be from the end of 19th/beginning 20th century.
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