Thread: First Choora
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Old 5th March 2016, 06:08 PM   #18
kronckew's Avatar
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the blade on the OP's choora seems etched with floral patterns like mine rather than pattern welded. i suspect the yellow metal is brass. the blade/brass sawtoothed bolster area & some spine bits appears to have a red supstance painted on, similar to mine, it may be a decorative but not very durable waxy substance.

mine is a bit more decorative with copper and brass spine inlays. some of the grip spacers, like the OP's, are aluminum, a regal metal before the hall process. the razor sharp needle pointed blade has silver, gold, and copper flower decorations. red coral beads on silver wire on the pommel ring for a bit more bling.

very plain wood interior brass covered scabbard i think may have had a fancy cloth or leather cover which is now missing. the hanger portion is aluminum and the two rings are soldered copper.

i suspect the sheet aluminum grip spacers on our knives puts the date to more recent than earlier.
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Last edited by kronckew; 5th March 2016 at 06:29 PM.
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