Thread: need help
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Old 4th March 2016, 04:02 AM   #15
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Agreed Jean.

We can always be wrong.

However, one of the beauties of keris discussion is that in the final analysis there is no ultimate authority, it comes down to the authority that is recognised within the particular group, very often this person is given the title of "Penangguh", in other words, the recognised authority in respect of tangguh. Since we don't have one of these people, everybody has the freedom to express an opinion without fear of contradiction.

As I commented in a previous post, my initial impression was that we are looking at current production, but after I spent a lot of time looking at the way in which the pamor had been made, and the way in which it had been managed on the bench, I felt an inclination to opt for origin somewhere other than Sumenep. Frankly, I just don't think the work is good enough for it to be Sumenep within the last 15-20 years. Maybe an early effort, yes, but not in recent years. But in truth, I'd really need to handle it to give a defensible opinion.

Since we know that Lombok production of Bali style tends to stray from the straight and narrow, and inclines to mix Bali style with Jawa style, and add a good touch of flamboyancy, I thought that maybe Lombok might be a good punt if I didn't like Sumenep so much.

However, who can tell much from a photo?

In most cases, I find that all I can get from a photo is a vague idea and a lot of assumptions.

Regarding the wrongko, with the deepest respect I do beg to differ from your opinion that we are looking at a "modern fantasy" interpretation. Every feature I can see in that wrongko I have seen in genuine Balinese wrongkos, every feature, including the tail on the wideng and the flared buntut. However, I have not seen the combination of these features in a single wrongko

In respect of the pamor name, Ron Duru (ron genduru, ron kenduru), Bulu Ayam, Mayang Mekar, are all related. Ron Duru is usual in Jawa Tengah, Bulu Ayam in Jawa Timur, whereas Mayang Mekar is a little different to RD and BA in that ideally the leaves are staggered, not originating from the same base, they tend to be a little more whispy than the RD and BA leaves, and some people hold that the outside ends of the leaves of MM should turn back towards the gonjo.

One of the things that has contributed to confusion of pamor names is the proliferation of books that show pictures of pamors, for instance Haryoguritno shows a pic of BA that would not be recognised as BA in Jawa Timur, but BA is the Jawa Timur name for RD. Show an RD to a keris authority in Malang and he'll give it as BA; show a BA to keris authority in Solo and he'll give it as RD. They are essentially the same pamor, but within that broad church of RD/BA there are sub-divisions of RD/BA.

Then there are a number of pamors that are made in the same way as RD/BA, but have a somewhat different final appearance.
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