Thread: need help
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Old 3rd March 2016, 06:30 PM   #14
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
Bulu ayam is as good a name as any for the pamor. Chicken feathers.

There are other names, I've given an East Jawa name, there might be a Bali name, but off the top of my head I can't think of it.

If my Lombok guess is correct we could probably give age as 1850-1940, if I'm wrong and it is current era Sumenep production I'd say 1985-2000.

It could be quite difficult to get a nice bondolan hilt with a bit of age, and if truly old, expect unreasonably expensive. I don't do ebay, but I'd guess that consistent trawling of that site would eventually get you something.
I would personally opt for the current Sumenep production because of the stiff pawakan, complex pamor miring, blade surface, ganja with pamor, etc. and would have identified the pamor pattern as Mayang Mekar. The wrangka is in modern & fantasy batun poh style. Of course I could be wrong!
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