Thread: need help
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Old 3rd March 2016, 12:25 AM   #5
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Thanks Ariel.

My first impression was current era production of both blade and scabbard, but if we look closely at the blade, this pamor does not really reflect the way in which the current stuff is done, there are more than a few imperfections, and the cold management of the pamor has not been done very well.

Current era production would be expected to be of much better quality --- these Madura smiths are amongst the world's best pattern welders, ever. Pattern welding has been done in the Sumenep area for hundreds of years, and the present generation have inherited one hell of a lot of knowledge and skill.

The forge work does not look like Bali, main island production, but the cold work does tend to reflect what we expect to see in a Bali keris.

I could change my mind if I handled this blade, but from what I believe I can see in the photos, I am inclined to give it as Bali-Lombok.

The form of the scabbard is unusual, yes, overall form is most certainly Bali, but I cannot recall ever having seen the details in this combination in a Bali scabbard, so once again I'll take a punt on Lombok.

All in all, not a bad keris, as David has suggested I'd opt for a planar Bali hilt, Bondolan style, with or without the hilt ring.
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