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Old 2nd March 2016, 10:19 AM   #5
kronckew's Avatar
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item was teleported to me this morning, slightly before the vendor mailed it, i think. probably dipped in asmovian theotimoline.

anyway, the photo colours are off. the head twine is actually quite brown, though lighter than the haft, very tightly done, no cuts, and the malacca rattan haft is intact with a few small dents, a couple of tar stains and a slight split near the lanyard hole, and a small chunk is missing. end shows a typical rattan x-section with the typical tear-drop ridge of malacca. the missing piece exposes the rattan interior and looks well aged, it has been missing for a good while.

the lanyard is neatly spliced, and is not hemp, but a smoother material, possibly cotton 'small stuff'. it is the same colour as the cotton twine knot-work over the lead, both almost exactly the colour of the exposed rattan interior. length is actually 20.25 in. (~55cm.), just under an inch haft dia. & 360 grams in weight.
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